I've never had a problem with drugs. I've had problems with the police.
A good friend would bail you out of jail, but your best friend would be
the one sitting next to you saying, "damn that was awesome".
No officer theres no blood in my alcohol system.
I'll try anything once, twice if I like it!
We are the people are parents warned us about.
Now I lay me down to sleep, a bottle of vodka at my feet, if I shall die before I wake tell my friends I drank it straight.

Cocaine is Gods way of saying you're making to much money.

I know a man who gave up smoking, drinking, sex, and rich food. He was healthy right up to the time he killed himself.

Thought when sober, said when drunk.
Reality is an illusion that occurs due to the lack of alcohol.

Pissing off the system, one cop at a time.
Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.-George Bernard Shaw

Maybe this world is another planet’s hell.Aldous Huxley

We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take usCharles Bukowski

The summit of happiness is reached when a person is ready to be what he is.Erasmus

“When a young man complains that a young lady has no heart, it's pretty certain that she has his”
"She laughs at my dreams, but I dream about her laughter."
You are unreplacable, irrisistable, my bestfriend, and your fucking her?..*

Most people think about summer they think about finding themselves,
I think about creating myself, adding more to my story, because with every summer,
theres a new chapter to mine. *

I'm facing this summer without you, i'm going it alone, I havent felt this alive in two years baby.
bring on the long nights, bring on the late night phone calls, the new boys, the water, the goals, and all the rest, I'm seventeen, I'm free. *

I'm your bestfriend, I'm always waiting for you to need me, I'll always be right here,
but when i call, it rolls to voice mail, when i text theres no response, when i cry it goes unheard,
but i cant fault you, i knew who you were since sixth grade, and I will stand by you till you tell me to leave. *

I have missed to mutch, i have felt to mutch, this summer i'm just going to let go,
and i'm looking forward to never being the same again.
Restless, bitchin'. feelin way to good.
Don't crash my high, Can't glass my sky.
We live to be free and gettin high. *
Sometimes I feel like i can never get old,
I like to live that way.*
My mom told me its not good for me to supress the memories.
yeah? neither is a shotgun to the head.
We were young , i knew everything.*

Its like it was suppose to matter, big important step,
then it wasnt, and it didnt stop you,
locking the door would have just been easier... *

Scream, when all your life starts falling apardt, take a breath,
then scream, forget it. It doesnt mean shit anymore.

I look forward to the future but i'm going to miss you,
I look forward to the future but i'm scared.
i look forward to the future, but i wish you were there. *

Pizza taco's and Spongebob,
Sara, and sims.
thats were my childhood went. *

Nothing shiny,
nothing glamorous can ever stop me
from thinking.. what if?..
i always second guess myself, no matter what,
good times or bad times, and i'm always going to *

Sing to me, even if you suck.
hold my hand even though you dont want to.
call me pretty even though i look like shit,
come on dude dont be a dick *
ha i told that one to cody^
Skinnier? prettier? tell me what you need, i cant fill the urge i have wanting to please. *
Juicy juice,
taste sweetier to the big kids,
nap time,
sounds better to the big kids,
seem funnier to the big kids,
i feel like im freezing when i wanted this time to come soo badly. *
World adventures, can i put that on my resume? *
Its simple,
we use to be close,
and now were not, and i miss you.
^wrote about me kylan and sara. *
Me: Kylan your going to drink that all before we even see the movie
kylan: shut up, shit shit, *spilt popcorn*
me: hey! hey! cleaner upper ladie, most wanted *points to kylan*
kylan: oh bitch..
ten minutes later
kylan: hold my shit
kylan: i gotta pee
me: *shakes cup* and to buy a new drink... *

I feel the need to impress him, but i loved him
I feel the need to have fun, laugh, and try, but i ignored him. *
Happy pills?
arent those like illegal?..*
Find me sometime,
if you love me , you'll find me *
I still remember our first kiss,
i was awkward and wearing a thunder caps beanie..
you were laughing at me , because i was giggling like crazy*

I try so hard,
but theres a certain point, were i say fuck it.
ima go get some taco bell, call me when your not being a dick. k? *

Meaningless little things that make or break your day, i live for that. *
I love feeling like a super hero,
shit i like dressing like one. *

I love MTV
room raiders,
jersey shore,
i use to be fat.
you betchuh. *

my sister loves lucky brand jeans,
my mom bought her alot, and i couldnt fit them so,
i got some cheap ass ugly ones, thanks ma. *

I love technology but i like being careless and sometimes
i dont answer , and people get angry, i just live people.
i still love you, even if i dont reply.
i'm having fun, come be with me.
face to face. not facebook.
talking not i.m'ing.
on the road, not online.
its just one day of your life. *

I feel as if everything i've ever done, doesnt really matter to anyone. *
Sometimes, you can feel bad intentions in the air,
and it becomes hard to breathe. *
Give me a porch , my blackberry, and some Kool-aid.
i'll be fine. *
you promised lots of things,
I cant be mad at you, its like being mad at a snake for biting you. *
I'm simple when it comes down to it.
I was raised simple.
I was taught to enjoy simple things. *

If getting into my pants is all you care about and you succeed then
my intentions were the same. *

They can chew but do they have the nads to swallow? *

Shit, i tripped over your ego.

Heartbreakers, come in all shapes and sizes, all different genders,
i do agree all men are fucking idiots , but i've had my heart broken by both a girl and a boy. *
I'm not a guy hater, i love my boys,
but they tend to run a little dumb.
anyhow i had a pretty good week i walked quite abit.
i'm gonna do another post today, i might not do quotes on that one.
this was basically misc.
i like most the shit i put into it.
i cuss alot, if your gonna diss on it the edit friends button is on your page ;)
i love you girls,
thankyoo for viewing.
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→I Fucking Dont Care (Quotes and Pics) Wallpapers
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